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Contact Center Express

Here you find the requirements for your Cisco Contact Center Express virtual Maschine. For setup the virtual Machine you HAVE TO use the Cisco OVA file. If you not use the OVA file you may get problems when open a Cisco TAC Case. To avoid this just use the OVAs provided


Unity Connection VM Requirements

Here you find the requirements for your Cisco Unity Connection virtual Maschine. For setup the virtual Machine you HAVE TO use the Cisco OVA file. If you not use the OVA file you may get problems when open a Cisco TAC Case. To avoid this just use the OVAs provided by


CUCM VM Requirements

Here you find the requirements for your Cisco CUCM virtual Maschine. For setup the virtual Machine you HAVE TO use the Cisco OVA file. If you not use the OVA file you may get problems when open a Cisco TAC Case. To avoid this just use the OVAs provided by Cisco.



HowTO configure: MOBILITY "Im vergleich zu vorherigen Versionen ist die Konfiguration nun Webbasiert und nicht mehr über ein Windows Programm bedienbar." Vorbereitungen: Um den PeterConnects Server zu installieren wird folgendes für die Installation benötigt: -Tomcat 8 (wir haben die Datei apache-tomcat-8.0.48 genutzt) -Java 8 (wir haben die Datei jre-8u161-windows-x64 genutzt)
